Lawyer Yu Po-chang leads as a pioneer in fostering mutual assistance and cooperation in the legal field between Taiwan and Thailand

Lawyer Yu Po-chang leads as a pioneer in fostering mutual assistance and cooperation in the legal field between Taiwan and Thailand

President Wichen of the Thailand Bar Association commends the contributions of Lawyer Yu Po-chang. Photo/Huang Shihan provided. Yu Po-chang, as the CEO of Louis Group Law Firm, has been leaving a profound mark in the field of legal exchange between Taiwan and Thailand since January 2018. His journey began with contacts with the Thailand Bar Association, which not only marked the establishment of his law firm in Thailand but also initiated a series of successful collaborations and exchanges. Lawyer Yu's efforts have not only promoted legal assistance between Taiwan and Thailand but also deepened mutual understanding and support between the people of both countries. In 2019, Yu Po-chang established Louis Consulting Thailand in Bangkok, Thailand, to begin providing professional legal services locally. This initiative not only provided solid legal support…
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【In-depth Report on International Lawyer Talent Exchange and Training: “2023 Louis Group Global Winds Project”】

【In-depth Report on International Lawyer Talent Exchange and Training: “2023 Louis Group Global Winds Project”】

Louis Group, a global consultancy firm, aims to cultivate elite international lawyers by promoting talent exchange and case collaboration among its offices in Taipei, Taichung, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Hanoi. The initiative helps lawyers broaden their international perspective, strengthen their capabilities, and enhance their language skills. By implementing remote working, local exchanges, collaborative case handling, and shared experiences, the lawyers will be able to integrate cross-border, cross-fields, cross-language, and cross-cultural factors into their future case experiences. Louis group's CEO, Attorney Raymond Yu, emphasizes that in addition to meticulous talent recruitment and deployment, a systematic approach to relocating talent among various offices is essential. By allowing partners to deeply immerse themselves in local environments and tackle complex international legal cases, a top-notch international business lawyer team can be created. In January 2023,…
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萬國萬佳集團聲明         發布日期:20221102 尊敬的長官及朋友們大家好,     我是萬國萬佳集團(Louis Group)執行長俞伯璋律師,在這跟各位報告一件事情。相信大家都知道,於2019年我肩負著集團賦予的任務,赴泰國曼谷成立國萬泰國法律顧問公司(Louis Consulting Thailand),並與時任泰國外商協會主席的康樹德(SHU-TEH KANG)同時作為泰國公司股東也協議一起兼任公司董事,並聘請泰籍林增寶律師於泰國律師公會登記作為Louis Consulting Thailand公司主持律師,帶領泰國所有律師團隊一起執行法律業務,主要協助台商處理有關泰國的各項法律事務。     很不幸的,於今年(2022年)初我本人、股東們、與集團的會計師發現康樹德(SHU-TEH KANG)在公司帳務資料交待不清楚,公司多項金流操作未事先經股東會同意,我請求康樹德與其太太李蓉蓉提交自公司2019年開始成立後的銀行存簿原始資料給會計師與股東會查核,康樹德拒不提供,股東們無奈之下要求召開股東會撤換公司董事康樹德。然而,康樹德居然宣稱自己是公司唯一合法董事開始將公司占為己有,不但蓄意不繳納辦公室租金、事務所電話費、各項事務款項及員工執行業務墊付款外,竟然還擅自變動公司營業地址,更直接於2022年9月底資遣公司含主持律師等全部員工,讓國萬泰國法律顧問公司(Louis Consulting Thailand)徹底變成被不具律師資格及法律專業的康樹德所挾持的一空殼公司。     萬國萬佳集團為了對所有客戶負責,遂儘速於2022年10月另成立國萬泰國法律事務所(Louis and Partners),重新聘請所有泰籍律師團隊繼續執行法律業務服務,承擔原Louis Consulting Thailand留下的案件,確保所有客戶的權益全無損失。而康樹德涉嫌挪用公款及侵占公司資產及違法開除員工的行為,本集團也已同時在台灣及泰國兩地對康樹德提出民刑事告訴。   本來這樣的家醜,集團並不想公開讓各位知道,但近日我們發現,康樹德居然利用Louis Consulting Thailand這間空殼公司在台灣欲承接泰國法律案件並發報價單,客戶收到報價單後除了向我們事務所查詢外,亦直接向泰國律師公會查詢並獲泰國律師公會通知並確認Louis Consulting Thailand目前沒有登錄任何合法執業的泰國律師。我們認為,康樹德如果再持續以這樣的模式招攬承接泰國法律案件,將因該公司在無登錄任何合法執業的泰國律師的情形下,極有可能導致不知情的客戶權益受到不利影響,此舉除了可能造成在泰國之台商權益受損外,也會影響本集團(Louis Group)的名譽,更嚴重的是萬一後續有人鬧到泰國律師公會或向泰國政府單位申訴,可能會讓泰國律師公會認為台灣人在亂搞泰國的法律市場,將會大大影響所有在泰台商的名譽以及台泰兩國民之間的互信關係。      因此,萬國萬佳集團決定設立一個泰國訊息查核小組,未來不管是在泰國的台商或是欲往泰國發展的台灣公司,如果收受Louis Consulting Thailand或康樹德或李蓉蓉提交的法律服務報價單或法律服務說明函,只要通知我們訊息查核小組,小組會立即向泰國律師公會確認Louis Consulting Thailand公司是否重新有泰國合法律師登錄執業,這是一項免費的服務,確保所有台商能取得正確及合法的資訊。 <泰國訊息查核小組> 泰國曼谷分部小組成員: 林增寶律師、蔡楚城律師  電話02-275-2235台灣台北分部小組成員: 俞伯璋律師、何明峯律師  電話02-23955598台灣台中分部小組成員: 葉俊宏律師、陳宜姍律師  電話04-37079688 萬國萬佳顧問集團執行長  俞伯璋律師
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Indian Patent & Design that need to know

Patent ■ Authority: Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks, CGPDM, generally known as the Indian Patent Office (IPO) ■ Evolution of the Indian Patent Act: ■ Type of Applications:   Provisional Application: invention is still under experimentation stage Ordinary Application: without claiming any priority Convention Application: claiming a priority PCT International Application: Under Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT National Phase Application: national phase application in India Patent of Addition: slight modification Divisional Application: invention may divide and file two or more applications ■ Basic points in Indian Patent application: 1: Important time frame: Term of patent protection Right of priority Average wait time Grace Period 20 years Within 12 months 5~6 years 12 months   2: Basic requirements & Process: Language Hindi/ English Documents Legal information, Technical information, Power of attorney, Verified English translation…
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How to register a company in India

Name Detail Authority Supportive Documents DIN Direct (unique) Identification Number allotted for the director of a company. Central Government Photograph of the applicant Passport Present Address proof (Telephone, Electricity Bill, latest Bank Statement, Driving License) Few forms digitally signed and verified digitally by the Managing Director or Director or CEO of an existing company. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Digital Signature Certificate A licensed Certifying Authority No other specific requirement PAN A PAN is a Permanent identifier issued under the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 Indian Income Tax Department Company: a copy of company Registration Certificate (attested) Natural person: Passport Bank account statement (within 2 months) ID card TAN Tax Account Number is to be obtained by all persons who are responsible for deducting tax at source (TDS) or who are required to…
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Author : Lawyer Raymond Yu The author’s career has ranged from a military weapons researcher, a patent engineer to a lawyer, specialized in patent specification drafting, patent specification translation, patent office action replying, invalidation action filing, patent licensing, patent infringement/non-infringement legal opinions providing, patent litigation, international patent litigation representing etc., with more than 15 Years of practice work experience and knowledge of the patent ecology, the author hopes that through this article lawyers who want to engage in the field of patent or those who are already engaged in the field of patent could have more idea in business development. How can lawyers enter the market of “patent prosecution”? Patent prosecution is a labor-intensive business, and the firm must hire professionals/patent engineers in various fields in order to be able…
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Interview by Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI) of ITRI

Louis Group is honored to have the second visit from Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI) of Industrial Technology Research Institute. Raymond Yu, Managing Partner, has shared the background of the establishment of Louis Consulting Thailand. The third volume of 'New Southbound Policy for New Growth', written about stories of Taiwanese businessmen, has been published by the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA by the end of 2019. The fourth volume will be published in 2020. This series of books contain stories of many Taiwanese businessmen who struggled and thrived in New Southbound countries and are finally on the road to success. Read more:
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Louis Group is pleased to be the designated office of the Creative Expo Taiwan for three consecutive years

The Louis Group is pleased to cooperate with Creative Expo Taiwan for three consecutive years to continue to support the growth of cultural and creative industries and Taiwanese creators. Raymond Yu, Senior Partner, has been invited to share with Talent100 creators about legal protection and licensing Strategy in order to help emerging creators to understand intellectual property rights as well as business strategies in the process of licensing. Last year, Louis Group has sponsored many outstanding creators to apply for Taiwan trademarks and design patents and received a lot of positive feedback. This year we also provide sponsorship awards of "Taiwan trademark and design patent applications" to encourage more creators and enable them to develop their business. see more:
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Louis Group x DIPT x BOI

Louis Group is honored to visit Ms . Nannatee Wiboonchutikula, Director of Thai Trade Office and Ms. Rayrai Ruksilpakit, Director of Thailand Board of Investment, Taipei Office to share our professional experience serving the companies in Thai. #LouisGroup #LouisConsultantThailand read more:
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Louis Group is invited to join the “Taiwan-Thailand Legal Consultant Platform

Louis Group is invited to join the “Taiwan-Thailand Legal Consultant Platform

Louis Group is honored to be invited to join the "Taiwan-Thailand Legal Consultant Platform" to enhance legal services for Taiwanese people. Raymond Yu, the managing partner of Louis & Charles Attorneys at Law, and Suparaporn Lapatikarn, the Thailand Lawyer, have officially joined the platform on 7th August, 2019. Since trading ties are rapidly developing and Taiwanese investment in Thailand is increasing day-by-day, in response to the legal issues and disputes arising from the exchange of business between Taiwan and Thailand, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand has established the " Taiwan-Thailand Legal Consultant Platform " since 2018, recruiting voluntary Taiwan and Thailand lawyers to provide legal consultant to strengthen the protection of the legal rights of both people. So far, there are 130 Taiwan and Thai lawyers have…
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