Things you need to know about Fundamental Science and Technology Act

In order to boost the development of our country, the Legislature made laws "Fundamental Science and Technology Act", the basic principle followed by the government when promoting the development of science and technology. The government ought to provide funds and resources to public schools, public research institutions, public enterprises, legal persons or groups assisting in those talents, technique, and equipment, and that is expectable to transform the results of research development into practical production and utilization. The act also ensures the belongings and use of the achievement of research. This June, Legislature had passed the third reading of the amendment to the "Fundamental Science and Technology Act". The point of this revision is that the restrictions on R & D income have not been limited by the “National Property Act“…
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Louis Group ×Freedom system

Our partner lawyer Tako Yu was invited by Freedom system to share the risk control tips by using Microsoft office 365 in Taichung. Louis& Charles:
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